By Urban Innovation Lab

Cities are engines of economic growth. They’re becoming home to a lot of new families moving in the cities in search of economic opportunities and a better standard of living. With new associations, comes new challenges that may not be visible to the naked eye. Many live in cities but lack a sense of belongingness to the city. It leads to less participation of citizens in making the city a better place to live and work. It is of utmost importance in urban living in India, as city life has no meaning without its citizens.
City branding plays an important role in urban transformation. It fosters relationships between city identity and citizen participation. It has the power to transform urban spaces and urban living. It can increase the level of citizen satisfaction, people participation and community-led initiatives.
"Across the world, cities that have identified, leveraged, and communicated their unique identities to their citizens have garnered great competitive advantage and tremendous citizen participation. We are excited to partner with Urban Innovation Lab in helping Indian cities find their true potential and place in the minds of millions.", said Amit Koserwal, Director and Chief Communications Officer, OrComm Advertising.
City Branding Initiative will foster dialogue in areas of city identity and citizen participation. It will explore innovative approaches in urban areas for deeper citizen engagement. It will celebrate the sense of pride and honour that people bear for their cities. It will provide pathways for cities to undertake city branding.
“Urban Innovation Lab is pleased to launch the City Branding Initiative with OrComm Advertising as Communications Partner. Under this initiative, we intend to sensitize cities and urban stakeholders to the importance of city branding. We’re going to put together the strategies and the tools that can be used by cities to brand themselves.”, said Ram Khandelwal, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Urban Innovation Lab.
The memorandum of understanding was signed on 12th May 2021. It will be effective for a period of 1 year.
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